The corridors of Cardonald College’s Graphic Design Degree rest on the Eighth and First floor of Moss Park Drive in Glasgow. It’s a young course, and with this publication, I hoped to pass down advice that I had drawn from my lecturers, classmates and peers. What are the lessons we are still learning today?

The brief was in the format of the ten commandments however, the tone I set was not to preach but to highlight the joy and journey that we had all taken. Connect, collaborate, research and pave your path; it’s a beautiful journey and my hope was to assist those just beginning to find their feet in the halls.

The format had to be accessible to anyone and should show what could be done with simple materials at a low cost while adhering to the rules of Design. It had to be editable, interchangeable, customisable and an open source for students and teachers alike. The Google fonts and paper sources were free and inexpensive to all, this meant that the publication could be printed cheaply and easily on the college resources. All the body copy was written by myself bar one interview, selected quotes and the Em, En, Hyphen descriptions.

I take such pride in my class and fellow students and aimed to create an identity, and publication that reflected that love for my college.

  • cardonald
  • first
  • years